Check out this inspirational clip about how to avoid a disaster!
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Recipe for Disaster
Check out this inspirational clip about how to avoid a disaster!
Watch more great sermons, messages, and worship by clicking on the media tab
real Church for real People
We don't like labels!!! We believe when you label something as one thing, you exclude people from giving you a chance. That is why our church does not label itself as anything but REAL! We have a desire for helping REAL people come to know a REAL God through this ministry! It belongs to Him, so we will let Him reveal Himself through a relationship with His Son, JESUS CHRIST. After all, we believe that no one likes anything that is fake!
Weekly Service Times:
Sunday Worship 11am
Wednesday ReFuel 7pm
His Kingdom, Now.
When a lot of people are sitting around waiting for God to do something, we are actively preaching, praying, and believing for the Kingdom of God to be established NOW! We Believe the scripture has already given us the go-ahead to minister to the lost of this world. There are many Kingdoms being built out in the world, but none are Greater than that of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Gospel is "Good News" and who doesn't want to share "Good News".
Our Vision
We have a philosophy here at FLCC, To keep things as simple as possible so people can easily comprehend and implement God's never changing ideas. With that being said our VISION is simple.
1. Win The Lost
2. Equip The Saints
3. Build God's Kingdom
If anything does not align with this vision then it is simple, we don't do it. As God leads us we will pursue him and we desire to reach as many people for the Kingdom of God as possible. "Big God, Big Faith, Big Impact"
Let's Face It...God Loves our Worship according to the Bible, it even tells us that He Lives In His Worship. There is no faster way to get the Presence of God to come than Worship. The Word of God says He is looking for those who will worship Him in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:24) Whether you sing, clap, raise your hands, or just close your eyes, you are free to worship the Lord without condemnation or judgment from anyone here at Finish Line. God has been so good to us and we thank Him for sending us our Savior, Jesus Christ, that we can't help but Worship! Although we worship at church we also encourage the worship of God wherever you are!!!.
Our Mission is much like our Vision...Simple. It falls under Mark 16:15 - To Go Into All The World and Preach The Gospel Unto Every Creature! We work hard in our community through Outreach Events | Feeding Programs | and Unique Ministries to reach those in the U.S. with the Gospel! We don't stop there...We also have Mission Teams who travel outside of the United States to wherever the Lord will call.
We are excited that you are interested in knowing more about Christ and this local body of believers.
Look around the site, check out our ministries, watch a message, send a prayer request, or jump in and serve with us. We are glad you are here.
Weekly Service Times - Sunday Worship - 11am
Wednesday ReFuel - 7pm
Address: 108 North Main Street
Mount Holly, NC 28120
We Love this area! We Love the people in Gaston County. God has called us to the Charlotte region to impact People with the Love of God. God has given us a heart of compassion and love and you can see it come to life in every ministry here at Finish Line. We would never want to win the world and miss our neighbors, so we minister to the world starting at home and working our way outward!